Community Violence Intervention Center

CVIC serves as a catalyst offering energy, momentum and vision toward ending local violence.  Since its inception in 1980, CVIC has built a dynamic continuum of services that frees individuals from violence, from providing help through the crisis, shelter, advocacy within the criminal justice system, and safe visits/exchanges to promoting long-term healing and stability through therapy, career counseling, housing, and groups to end violence at home.

CVIC also fosters a culture of innovation and community engagement to prevent local violence. Toward that end, CVIC spearheads the Safer Tomorrows Road Map is an unprecedented, research-based innovation that is building communities where:  families are safe and have what they need to stabilize their lives, people heal from trauma with therapies that actually change the neural pathways in the brain, and children learn in school about healthy relationships to create a society that no longer tolerates violence.